Snow Day

Yesterday’s weather provided a much-needed (in my estimation) half-day off.  So I combined a few of my favorite things and burrowed in for the afternoon:

JCrew PJ pants from the Sis, fuzzy socks, and a view of the snow.  Which is so much better than being pelted by it as I was on my way to the BF’s last night, or doing the slip-slide dance when you lose your balance on a patch of ice like I did on my way to work this morning.  Snow in New York is the one thing that makes the city shut up and slow down.  It’s like the effect Christmas Day has on other towns: romantic stillness.  Until the morning after, when it turns to slick ice or black slush and walking two blocks becomes a test of coordination, endurance, and sanity.

But in the moments before the city seeps through it, that white blanket is beautiful to behold.

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