Right Here, Right Now

I am more of a mess than ever these days: peed on, spat-up upon, tired, forgetful. Sometimes I even wear a bit of poop in my hair.

But there is a moment, first thing in the morning, when The Husband and I hover over The Kid’s crib and he focuses his eyes on us. He realizes that we’re still here, and better yet, we’ve come back for him, and isn’t this such a fun party here in the nursery with the sun barely rising and all three of us together? Isn’t it?!

And I remind myself not to suck the joy out of life, because this moment–this moment with the smile that lights up the day, the laughter that transforms my tiredness into exhilaration, this wake-up call from the corridors of heaven–this moment with my family is staggering in its messy perfection and confounding simplicity. It is, in so many ways, all I need.

5 comments on “Right Here, Right Now
  1. Mom says:

    May you have a life-time of those special moments!

  2. One time after MUCH HASSLE, I finally had my whiny baby in the Bjorn. Sweat was already pouring into my cleavage (thank you Bf’ing!) when he upchucked directly into my bra. I still remember standing at the top of the stairs bawling louder than my kid, thinking “is this what the rest of my life is going to be like?” Thankfully, no. Now they just puke on my carpet.
    ok, this was totally random…

    • sestrick says:

      I love that random story, and I’ll share a secret with you. I recently began wearing deodorant in my cleavage because of the BF-related sweating. I kept looking around wondering who smelled less-than-fresh, and I realized it was me. Horrors…

  3. nancy says:

    Oh sister girlfriend! Random bloggie stranger and fellow peed-on mama,
    I hear ya. I am there in the trenches with you. Except I likely have a decade on you. yet I’m still frumpled. Stumbled over here from BlogHer and love love love your “confounding simplicity.” Must get more of that today.
    nancy-of the crazy 9
    PS-Get rid of the Bjorn and go for the Ergo as soon as baby is big enough for it. 7 babies later, it is much better.

    • sestrick says:

      Thank you so much, Nancy! I admire you so much after stopping over at your blog–and I’m exhausted just looking at all you do! God bless you!

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