Preaching the Gospel of NYC to Myself

Things are looking up–my boss agreed to start paying me!  Yay!  I am now a dentist in New York living just above the poverty line.  So I still can’t get a free cell phone.  But I can pay rent!

Other focusing-on-the-positive observations…

1) George at the coffee truck asked if I was on vacation last week as he got my order ready without my having to ask.  And my mom was worried when I moved here that there was no one to keep track of me on a daily basis!

2) A new restaurant opened downtown that serves breakfast all day and night.  This kind of falls in the kicking-myself-because-I-didn’t-think-of-it category; then again, how would I have ever funded a restaurant in New York?  Still not sure if I can even afford to eat there.  I’m sure the waffles have foie gras in them or some other snooty NY food twist, but I’m so down with this place based on the info I have so far (that they serve breakfast all day and night).

These are today’s reminders of why New York is an incomparable (in a good way) place to live.

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