New Life

I’ve been kept from updating lately due to a certain little nugget who keeps to a pretty specific schedule.

Totally worth it.

So I’m going to work on leveling off my hormones (I watched the end of Knocked Up today, all “I’m such a veteran, I can watch this labor scene and laugh in its face,” then realized too late that the emotional component would leave me in shambles), finding indirect sunlight to help with The Kid’s jaundice, and generally adjusting to the new rhythm in which The Husband and I now reside. And in a bit, after I’ve either gotten more sleep or grown accustomed to not getting any, and after I have consistent rather than limited access to a sense of humor, I’ll be back to tell you about the coolest baby ever, and our new life with him.

2 comments on “New Life
  1. Hooray! I’ve been waiting for this great news! Enjoy the wonderful upheaval. Ah, new babies…sigh….

  2. Margaret Phillips says:

    I’m with Daniel…new babies… him ( James, not Daniel 🙂 ) for us and thanks for finding time to share..don’t know how you do it…I am tired and I just deal with 27 first graders.,,,and go home to sleep sans children.

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