Something Blue

Yesterday, The Husband and I watched the screen as our sixteen-week ultrasound played. And what we found out is that our baby looks healthy…and is a BOY!

And that officially derailed any trace of job loss being on the list of Things That Matter for this week.

Everyone says it, but we would have been happy either way. Since the doctor’s “educated guess” four weeks ago was Girl, though, we were pretty surprised. And excited. The luck of the draw (and not a creepy predilection) had me babysitting mostly boys while I was in high school, and I always thought they were a blast. I began to harbor a hope to have one of my own, but the women in my family are known for popping out other women. Looks like TH’s male-heavy genes won the battle this time.

And I can breathe a sigh of relief at the majority of responsibility that is now placed squarely on his shoulders, since he will be teaching this kid not only how to play basketball, but how to be a man. I see more than ever how blessed I am to have married this man.

Another thing our kid has going for him? He is blessed with a bloodline that carries quite the sense of humor. The Dad’s response to our gender news: Don’t let the liberals turn him into a pansy. I’m gonna buy him a gun.

Here we go.

2 comments on “Something Blue
  1. Congrats!! Boys are great–so much fun. And getting a tight hug from a little guy with fat little fists and chubby cheeks is BLISS. So happy for you!

  2. Mom says:

    Yep, that sounds like Dad!

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