Will Write for Attention

I have always beheld celebrity culture with a varying mixture of admiration and disdain, and both of those reactions are kicked into high gear during January and February, or what the industry regards as the culmination of awards season.

Golden-Globes-2014-Tina-Fey-Amy-Poehler-Will-Host-Again-391472-2Just as the divinely-drenched (or -devoid, depending on preference) holiday weeks come to an end, Hollywood begins a series of convocations at hotels, theaters, and convention centers (and one attempt at beach-swept nonchalance) aimed at recognizing and rewarding the creative entities behind film and television. In other words, they congratulate themselves for all they’ve accomplished over the past year, and we common folk perch in front of our TVs, audience members yet again, to take in the spectacle of fashion and speeches and gaffes (oh my!) so we can turn around and critique their clothes, judge their sincerity, or–if you’re my husband–ask, “Who is that and what has she been in?”

Read the rest over at Mockingbird!

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