Baby Talk: The Kid's Blog

Mommy said the other day that things sure have changed around here, and since I wasn’t here before, I’ll just have to trust her. But I can bear witness to one thing changing: this blog. Though she isn’t crying as much as she was those first couple of weeks, or wandering around the house wide-eyed, looking to and fro like she was expecting someone to give her directions, she does seem to need a break now and then. So I decided I would step in and supply the words for today. It’s the least I can do, right? After all, she did carry me around in her belly for over eight months (and don’t think I didn’t hear her complaining about it, calling it “rent-free living”). And she is doing her best to keep me alive now. With a lot of help from Daddy, who seems to keep her from going crazy most days.

Sometimes when she’s starting to feed me, Mommy will make a little joke: “Get out of your own way, baby boy!” I could say the same thing to her. She seems to think that this whole parenting thing is a lot harder than it actually is right now. She reads a lot of books and makes suggestions from them to Daddy. He responds that they can also go on something called instinct, but Mommy says that they don’t have any of that. She gets really uptight about feeding me at the exact same time interval each day, and if I fall asleep while I’m nursing, she gets pretty agitated. Even though, when the lights aren’t as bright, she falls asleep herself. She seems to be really concerned with doing everything right, but all I really care about is a boob on the ready, a warm blanket, and a dry diaper. I’m glad Daddy’s there to remind her of that.

Today I was taking a nap and peeked one eye open to see her flitting around the kitchen, spray bottle and paper towels in hand. She didn’t seem especially happy while she was busy with that–in fact, she sounded a lot like that movie we watched a hundred times over Christmas, the one with Ralphie and the gun. She reminded me of the dad after his lamp was broken, muttering under her breath and throwing her hands around. But then, a little while later, she put the spray and paper towels away and sat down beside Daddy, who was shaking his head and smiling, and she was smiling too, so I guess whatever she did made her happy when it was done.

Mommy and Daddy seem to have a good thing going, even though Daddy thinks that Mommy watches way too much Fox News and Mommy thinks that Daddy watches way too much ESPN. But they both like to get right up next to my face and call me by nicknames similar to the ones they have for each other, and cover me with kisses, so I think they’re pretty happy I’m here. And although I was comfortable rolling around inside Mommy’s belly, I think the gig I have now is going to work out just fine. Mommy said to Daddy the other day, “I just love our family,” and though her eyes were wet when she said it, she didn’t seem sad or crazy like she has at other wet-eye times. They both seemed happy, and then they stared at me and got this funny look on their faces, like they think this gig is going to work out just fine for them too.


4 comments on “Baby Talk: The Kid's Blog
  1. Mom says:

    Too precious — and the gig and the kid will work out perfectly fine! So says The GrandMom!

  2. Megan says:


  3. Margaret Phillips says:

    Thanks for writing James! You are going to love it there!

  4. Kathryn says:

    So good. Love little man’s perspective!

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